Please Join us!

Becoming a sports official is a fun, interesting, and important responsibility — providing a valuable service for the success of youth sports and competitive athletics. It’s also a great way to engage with the community, and stay active.

If you’re interested in joining the Lake Michigan Competitive Cheer Officials Association:

1) Click on the link, below, to fill out your enrollment form:

LMCCOA RENEWAL for the 2023-2024 Season 

2) Make your $20 dues donation by either of the methods, below. If it's your first year, WELCOME! We do not ask for dues from first-year members.


*If you prefer, you may send a check payable to "LMCCOA" to our treasurer
at the address, below:

*Shannon Herrema

8253 Park West Drive

Jenison, MI 49428

To Purchase the Official MHSAA 1/4 Zip

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